What is the difference between moissanite and diamonds

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Diamonds are one of the most popular gemstones of the jewellery industry, but they are not the only one. There are several gemstones out there that are involved in the process of jewellery making.Diamonds are the preferred gemstones when it comes to most jewellery since they are exquisite. However, if you are looking for gemstones that appear similar to diamonds but are not actually diamonds then moissanites are something that you could opt for.

Moissanites are gemstones that are often referred to as diamond simulants since they look like diamonds. They are a rare mineral made of silicon carbide that was first discovered by a French Chemist Henri Moissan in 1893.They are crystalline structures that are found in nature in very small quantities. In spite of this, they are very commonly used as a part of fine jewellery because they are extremely durable and beautiful.

One cannot determined whether a colourless brilliant stone in the diamond sapphire engagement rings Londonis a diamond or moissanite. Only a trained eye will be able to tell the difference between a diamond and a moissanite.There are some minute differences that set a diamond apart from a moissanite. If you are planning to buy jewellery and are confused between whether to choose a diamond or moissanite then read on to know the differences.

Even though the diamonds and moissanites that are available in the market today are colourless, they tend to possess a very subtle shade of colour. Moissanites generally have a yellowish or greenish tint to it, which is not usually visible thanks to the manufacturers who have perfected the creation of colourless moissanites. Diamonds on the other hand will generally have a yellow to brown shade depending on which they are graded on a scale of D-Z. Those diamonds that have colors such as blue, pink, green, red or yellow are known as fancy diamonds and are graded beyond Z.

Both diamond and moissanites are brilliant sparkling stones but if you compare the two then you will notice that moissanites are more brilliant than the diamonds. They sparkle more because moissanites are double refractive. When you rotate the moissanite stone they will sparkle with a rainbow like effect while the diamond when rotated tends to reflect more of white light.

When it comes to hardness, diamonds are extremely hard and durable. Therefore, they make the ideal choice when it comes to daily wear jewellery since they can withstand a lot of wear and tear. However, moissanites are the second hardest substance known to man after diamonds and are therefore almost equally effective in withstanding the daily wear and tear.

The main difference between the diamond and moissanite is the cost. Moissanites are cheaper than diamonds, be it natural or lab grown diamonds UK. The price of moissanites is one tenth the cost of diamonds. Hence, if you ever find yourself short of money for buying a diamond stone then opt for a moissanite.