Top 4 Field Service Management Trends to Watch in 2022

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We arrived in 2021, after two years we could never have imagined. COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on businesses, people’s lives, and the global economy. However, once we settle into a new routine and live with COVID-19, the field service business will adapt as it always has.

So, what can we expect from the field service management in terms of trends? And how have these tendencies changed in the last two years? Let’s look at how the industry has evolved over the last few years and what to watch for in 2022.

Cloud-based software will continue to boost “Work From Anywhere.”

Field service companies worldwide have closed their doors as they try to figure out how to conduct their businesses from locations other than their offices. As long as their occupations were socially distant and regarded as vital work, businesses with the capacity to access data and their personnel remotely found little to no disruption in their workflow. Many people are likely to be astonished to find that the trade business has become increasingly software-based over the last decade, leaving paper-based operations behind. This trend has allowed firms to become more effective, productive, and lucrative by providing more information about their operations.

The Internet of Things (IoT) Will Continue to Influence Asset Management

Think Google Home and Fitbit—been it’s around for a while and is now an everyday part of our lives. On the other hand, the field service business has been hesitant to embrace IoT. (the Internet of Things). COVID-19 promoted IoT penetration within the trade industry, as it has in many other elements of our lives and the way we conduct enterprises. IoT for remote asset monitoring is becoming more common as an alternative to on-site asset maintenance. Remote monitoring via IoT gives clients peace of mind that their facility and assets are secure even when no one is there and also allows field service management providers to diversify their services and generate new revenue streams.

Assist businesses in resolving supply chain issues

Unfortunately, supply chain concerns hampered the availability of supplies for the commerce and construction industries throughout the epidemic. It sparked a tendency among business owners to focus on inventory management and be pickier about whose providers they buy from. It is because they are under much more pressure to obtain goods at the greatest price and ensure they have the correct amount of inventory for their duties. As a result, an increasing number of field service business owners are turning to software that includes inventory management features.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Improve Business Automation

In addition to supply chain challenges, the field service industry has been hit by a severe skills shortage. The epidemic has affected many industries, pushing workers to flee dangerous work locations. It has resulted in a rise in process automation and, as a result, AI. According to the report, AI will be used by two-thirds of field service providers by 2025.

Over the last decade, we have seen an increase in the use of software and automation. It will only get worse. AI will assist field service organizations in operating more efficiently, delivering jobs ahead of schedule, and increasing revenues. It also appears to be on the rise, with forecasts of $15.7 trillion in contributions to the global economy by 2030.

Final Thoughts

Based on the information shown above, we can certainly state that field service management software can improve your organization by increasing efficiency and providing personnel with resources to make their duties simpler. Better client interactions, lower operational expenses, and improved cash flow can be achieved by investing in a field service solution. 

Have any of these trends caught your attention in the industry?