Some practical ways to protect your house from electrical failures  

Clipsal Iconic dimmer
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Electrical fittings are one of the vital things in every house. Electricity is responsible for powering all the gadgets and appliances, lighting and most importantly it plays an essential role in the heating and cooling of houses. Thus it is important to use electricity appropriately and avoid any kind of wastage.

Electrical failures can leave you without lights for a few hours or even days. But if you put a little effort into wiring and securing your devices, you can prevent the damage from occurring.

Listed below are some practical tips to prevent electrical failures in your house: 

You can protect your house from electrical failures by selecting the right surge protector, performing periodic checks on all circuit breakers, installing childproof electrical outlets in all rooms, and keeping fuses, flashlights, and matches handy.

Electrical problems are often associated with short circuits, overloads, and lightning strikes. The most common way to protect your home from electrical problems is by installing surge protection devices (SPDs) at the service entrance and critical load centers.

To avoid electrical problems in your house, consider installing surge suppressors, which divert dangerous spikes of electricity from reaching appliances and electronics. You can also protect single appliances with whole-home surge protectors, which is a good idea for especially important appliances such as your refrigerator or freezer. If you have an older house, consider having a licensed electrician add new grounding wires to the existing system to make sure everything is up to code. In addition, make sure all connections meet code, and transformers are not installed in the wrong place.

Install a transfer switch, a special device that ensures the electricity to your house comes only from the generator. A transfer switch protects your home by ensuring that the electrical lines are interrupted before any circuits are turned on, protecting not just your appliances, but also utility workers who may not realize your meter box is being powered by a generator.

To avoid electrical failures, use devices that have been approved and tested for safety. Check devices periodically for issues such as frayed electrical cords, loose outlets, or hot light switches that can be a source of a potential problem. Consider installing a stand-alone surge protector on every circuit in your home to protect your electronics from power surges.

Beware of overloaded extension cords. Make sure the breaker box is clearly labeled and secure. You can even equip your home with surge protection devices, which relieve pressure on power lines by cutting off the flow of electricity. These devices are especially important for people living in areas with frequent summer thunderstorms.

There are many benefits of installing Clipsal rcbo in your household. RCBO joins RCD and MCB in one device. It will stop the flow of power in case of overload, short circuits, and earth leakage. It instantly trips as soon as it detects an imbalance between the line and neutral conductors. 

The Clipsal Iconic dimmer switch offers a variety of benefits in lighting control. It has an LED locator and power failure memory facility that allows your location to be retained until the next time you switch it on after a power outage. It also uses soft start technology and smooth-dimming LEDs to lower the maximum brightness to an optimum level which will lengthen the life of your lights by up to ten times.