How to Prepare Rooms for your Twins on a Budget

Prepare Rooms for your Twins
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Congratulations! You have twins! When a nurse informs you about the birth of your healthy twins, it’s the best feeling ever. Post-birth you realize that everything you planned for needs to be doubled. Whether it’s the clothes or the formula, it is to be done for two kids instead of one. But what about a room for the twins?  

If living with the twins in DHA Bahawalpur, by now you must have realized it’s important to prepare a room (if not rooms) to easily manage them. Having a wonderful house is great but still, you need room for your kids to grow. 

This means you need to come up with bedroom ideas for the twins too. We know, that having twins can be a happy surprise, but it means carefully treading the budget to prepare the rooms. So if you are short on ideas, our tips will help you set up the rooms faster. 

1- Start as early as you can 

Most couples have an ultrasound taken so that they can know it’s a healthy pregnancy. The news of twins means you need to double the efforts and begin prepping for things quickly. Twins usually arrive early, so you need to finish the rooms/nursery before the due date. 

While doing so, keep the comfort factor in consideration. If you wait for too long then a basic chore like setting the room will become hectic and tiresome. 

2- Avoid double items 

The common conception is that with the twins you need to buy everything double. Even with two kids, you got only so much time and pair of hands that feed and bathe the babies. So keep the clothes in the same dresser. Opt for a sturdy option. 

Invest in a quality changing table with some storage space on the bottom. It will save you loads of energy and effort when diaper changing or feeding the babies. 

3- The best crib 

This is the one item you cannot avoid double up. Crib sharing sounds fine for the newborns but once they start to roll up, it’s best to keep them in two separate cribs. 

So our solution is to use larger convertible cribs. It can be a simple one, as long as it comes with clean lines and is fully functional. It gives the new moms a chance to place the crib in the right direction – either on the side of the wall or the center of the room. 

4- Give your personal touch 

Twins may look alike, but that doesn’t mean you cannot add a personal touch to the room. Unlike the common practice, you do NOT need to match everything! Feel free to use different accents, and accessories to give the twins a personalized feel. 

Especially if you have mixed-gender twins, you can paint the room in a neutral color. Place the toys or accessories that can be used for either baby. 

5- Maximize the storage space 

The phrase ‘double trouble’ is literally true for you in case you do not add up the storage space twice the size. More babies mean more stuff is required. A double drawer chest is a good idea, for instance. You can also install hooks in a row behind the door or on the wall just in easy reach of the changing table. 

Plus, invest in the storage boxes to place under the bed to store toys and whatnot. 

6- Child safety 

When it comes to toddlers, they may not be hard to catch but like Bonnie and Clyde, they do give you the trouble of cleaning up. But most importantly the room set up for the twins must be child-proofed. 

Any sharp-cornered furniture needs to be covered with baby-proofing covers to prevent any sound injury. Take your time to baby-proof the rooms and removes anything that looks like can be swollen by the babies. 

Having the right ultrasound system like home ultrasound machine at your side to provide the best care possible to your patients is imperative.  Outdated or insufficient equipment can leave you stranded and unable to help serve patients. Whether you are scanning during a routine patient appointment, or you’re faced with a time-critical medical emergency, you need peace of mind that your ultrasound equipment is accurate, reliable and will meet your diagnostic imaging needs.


There’s a lot to do before the twins arrive. Set up a room that covers all the basics mentioned above. And do not forget to buy a white noise machine! A steady hum works wonders on the new babies. You are more likely to change the space once babies start to grow.