Here Are 5 Reasons CBD Is Your Buddy for the New Year

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Most of us start the new year with the best intentions to transform our lives for the better. We want to be healthier, more disciplined, less stressed and angry and have other noble goals. Yet, many of us forget about our plans by February, and we find ourselves committing the same mistakes soon after.  

If you want to conquer your goals this year and change your life for the better, you need something that will compel you to move towards change and stay on the right path. For some people, that game-changing thing is meditation, while for others, it is keeping a journal, then some have chosen the natural route by taking a CBD dose.

What is CBD? 

The Cannabis plant holds over a hundred cannabinoids in its form, and CBD happens to be one of them. Unlike many other cannabinoids found in the plant, CBD is a non-intoxicating psychoactive, so there is no risk of becoming high or overdosing when you ingest it. 

Cannabinoids work through the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The latter is a biological system in the body that manages vital functions such as temperature, mood, sleep, and appetite with receptors that move throughout the mind and body. CBD works by signaling to these receptors and triggering change. 

Many countries have already legalized hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.2 percent THC, which has led to premium brands such as launching a range of CBD-infused products. From oil tinctures to vape liquids, skincare products, and edibles, there are many ways you can take your CBD dose, but before you take this natural compound, here are five great reasons CBD can help you start the new year on the right foot.

Do away with stressful days. 

Stress permeates everyone’s lives. Even children are prone to stress these days. Although it is normal to be stressed, it doesn’t mean we should live a stressful life. You can manage stress in many healthy ways, such as exercising regularly. Still, CBD can give you a better advantage of managing stress by balancing your hormone levels. In one study, researchers noted how CBD could trigger balance in the hormones, including the cortisol hormone, which triggers the body into fight-or-flight mode. 

Experience anxiety-free days 

We all have mental health struggles that inhibit us from living a serene life. From anxiety to depression and panic attacks, such challenges can leave you chronically tired and unable to excel professionally and personally. No one deserves to live a life overwhelmed with fear. With CBD, you have a better chance of having anxiety-free moments. CBD can interact with the serotonin neurotransmitter—the happy chemical that diminishes the risk of anxiety. This natural compound can also manage GABA levels in the brain and help you deal with stressful situations more calmly. 

Stay away from temptation 

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to stay away from your addiction, whether food, alcohol, social media or drugs. Although willpower is highly beneficial to overcoming your addiction, CBD can help curb your cravings. In one study, researchers noted how opioid addicts were better able to stay away from drugs when given a CBD dose.

Experience pain-free days 

We don’t have a choice for enduring physical pain, especially if it is chronic and you have  

tried many ways of pain relief. Although traditional medication can help alleviate pain, CBD can also work as a painkiller and provide fast-acting results. This natural compound has anti-inflammatory properties, which researchers noted are potent enough to help people deal with chronic pain caused by disorders like multiple sclerosis and arthritis. 

Give yourself better skin 

Nobody is ever going to say no to having better skin. We could all use fewer wrinkles, more brightness, and less dullness on our skin. As a potent antioxidant, CBD can help keep the dullness away and minimize the visibility of wrinkles. In one remarkable research, researchers noted CBD’s potential to help reduce the risk of acne. The study involved documenting CBD’s interaction with the skin’s waxy oil, known as sebum.  

This waxy oil is essential to keep pollutants away from the body, but its overproduction can lead to clogged pores which can cause acne. Researchers noted how CBD could manage the overproduction of the oil and minimize the risk of this skin condition. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD is also useful to help with symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. 

Starting the new year on the right foot is an ideal way of living, but the reality is that we aren’t perfect, and we will all indulge, stress, and commit any of the other habits we deem unfavorable. So instead of focusing on perfection, try and make this year the one where you do your best to improve your life and be gentle with yourself when you fail.