Best Ways to Recognize your Employees

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Are you wondering how to recognize your employees after a job well done? While appreciation can be in different forms besides monetary rewards, recognizing them in public can significantly affect their performance.

A simple “thank you for your effort” goes a long way in making them feel appreciated. On the other hand, if you fail to recognize their hard work, they may never do their best in achieving the set goals.

Employee recognition is one of the motivating methods you can use to improve performance and achieve success in your organization. Let’s look at the different ways you can recognize your employees.

1. Give Out Personalized Prizes at Company Celebrations

Giving out prizes at annual /quarterly meetings makes the employees feel appreciated and valued if the gifts are personalized according to their preferences. You can tell what they prefer by asking them to suggest the best way they would like to be recognized when their time comes.

Prizes related to the employee’s hobbies outside work are likely to have a fulfilling effect. Again, not all employees would like tangible gifts like award plaques—some are okay with a mention of their names or praise in a crowd.

Other options would be an exclusive experience in a getaway event with the employee and family only.

2. Give Authentic Compliments

Nothing feels good like a sincere compliment from your boss! While it is easy to compliment employees as soon as you recognize a good deed, ensure it comes from the heart. When done right, compliments positively impact employees’ attitudes and performance.

Recognition is not only meant for morale-boosting; it makes the environment happier to work around. Vague compliments distort the whole idea, and employees might never know when you are sincere.

You can create a forum for positive shout-outs during weekly meetings for employees to compliment each other for work well done during the week. Being celebrated uplifts the spirit to work harder.

3. Engage With your Employees

There are different ways you can engage your employees, but the main one is giving them a chance to be heard. You can create forums where each employee can address an issue or float an idea to their colleagues and the management.

While this idea would be a way of recognizing the individual employee, it can be an avenue of learning new ideas that can help in the organization’s overall performance. Engagement is also an excellent way to let your employees own their work.

Allowing them to come up with ideas, plan how to implement them, and make decisions creates an impression on your employees that you trust them and feel valued.

4. Encourage “Town Hall” Meetings

Introducing “town hall” meetings in your company allows the management to engage with the employees when making decisions. Employees feel valued and recognized as part and parcel of the company.

These meetings allow dialogue and show the employees the strategic plans that the company has laid down towards the achievement of the set goals and how they have reached specific decisions.

Employees are free to give their opinions and feedback towards the progress of the organization’s performance. While it might sound like a usual forum, employees feel recognized when involved. A “town hall” meeting is one of the best ways to acknowledge your employee’s success!

5. Provide Training Opportunities

Training your employees is part of government regulation. However, it is a win-win situation for the individuals and the company as they will be the first beneficiaries of the acquired skills. Best performers will feel appreciated if they are recognized and sponsored to add skill in their area of interest.

While planning to train your employees, ensure you involve them in deciding what they would prefer and add value to their career. Employees like being valued for the impact they create in the organization.

When choosing the training company, ensure there will be certification to authenticate the quality of the course and add value to the resume of the employees.

Team building activities are also a perfect way to recognize the best employees who have pushed themselves to bring good results. These activities can include outdoor activities like sports matches, workshops, tours, or in-house activities like extra gym time or free yoga classes.

Employee recognition is one of the best motivation methods that bring good results to your company. While there is no “one size fits all” method of recognition, it’s always best to consult your employees in their preferred ways.

That said, different methods in the market can be used to recognize and appreciate your employees—including mentioning their names in the weekly meetings!
