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Warhammer  II: A Beginners Guide For Tourox

Tourox, the Brass Bull is one of the latest new lords to play around within the best Total War Game: Warhammer 2. This is giant walking bull was granted as the undeniable rage for violence and bloodshed by the dark gods of brass and chaos and thanks to it. 

Here, we’ve provided the beginners’ guide for Tourox. Check out this post and get more information. 

1- His Story Mission Are Brutal

In general, the mission in Total War: Warhammer 2 can be taken over about 30 turns depending on your skill level, and on average they vary from relatively easy to difficult tests of your skills. Toutox is in the latter camp and it is highly recommended that you leave his mission until much later. 

2- Tourox Has A Lot Of Movement Range

The Tourox has a ridiculously large amount of range of movement in one turn. The distance he can cover is huge, to begin with, and over time.  You can increase this through hardstone buffs, special event options, followers, and the ability to reset his action points. 

3- Bring Along A Bray Shaman

The Bray Shaman is a new hero unit in Warhammer II that’s been added to the beastmen faction and he’s your source of the new beast magic. It seems like an odd choice for a faction all destruction. The Bay Shaman can be a little on the broken side for those first early turns. 

4- Raiding Is Encouraged Now

The Raiding stance in Warhammer II is how you collect some extra income un enemy territory and decreased public order to cause revolts and generally kill whoever you were attacking. It hurts. However, the downside of raiding was that if your force goes into battle they all get tired, making it easier for you to lose so it is rarely used. 

5-  There Are Lot Of Buffs For Minotours

Tourox the Brass Bull is a big boy, which is understandable since he’s a Minotaur and because of that he comes across a lot of fondue for his boys. They have upgrades for defence, attack, recruiting cost and maintenance. For example, provides leadership, melee attacks, immunity to psyvhics, and a 10% charge bonus as well as regen for Tpourox and Minoturs units. 

6- Research Requires Completing Challenges

Research is your fastest way to stronger units and better abilities. However, instead of waiting for each one to be unlocked after a set amount of turns. Some trees are now locked behind challenges.

7- What Is Dead?

Dread is how your new units increase the ranges of your current ones. This is earned by winning battles around the world and your initial strategy would be to burn it down as quickly as possible. It is worth holding off until later.

8- How does recruitment Works

The creative assembly has changed its recruiting costs to something similar to the Tomb Kings. For those not familiar with the medieval fantasy Warhammer II. This means it doesn’t cost you anything to rent or use a unit, but you’re limited in how many caps you can have with you. 

Hopefully, you’ll have got all the relevant information that you’re searching for. This beginner’s guide helps you a lot to get all information about Warhammer II.