9 Ways to Get Many Viewers on YouTube in 2022

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Previously you should know how YouTube views are calculated? Based on my literacy, views will be counted when other people have watched it for the first three to five seconds. 

If your video has been watched within the first five seconds, it will count as one view. To maximize the views that come, you should know the following tips. 

How to Get YouTube Content with Multiple Viewers

1. Keyword Research

The first way YouTube content gets a lot of viewers and you have to do before creating content is keyword research. It would help if you targeted these keywords first so that later the videos you make can appear in YouTube searches. 

If you don’t do keyword research, then the videos you make won’t appear in searches. This will undoubtedly make it difficult for you to get views organically. 

To do keyword research, you can use free tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs Keyword Generator, Google Trends, and so on. 

If you use a PC or laptop, you can install the Keyword Surfer and Keyword Everywhere Chrome extensions. You can install these two extensions from chrome yourself. 

2. Create Quality Videos

To get free viewers is to use some video editors to create a quality video. Quality videos will undoubtedly make other visitors watch until the end. This will be very good in the eyes of YouTube because YouTube can recommend your video. 

Also, make sure that the video you make is helpful to be more lasting so that your video can still relate to watching at any time.

Never make clickbait videos. Because the video is only crowded once meanwhile, your channel will be labeled bad by others and reduce the channel’s performance on YouTube search. 

3. Use an Attractive Title

It is undeniable that the title is the spearhead of content. If the video’s title can be interesting, then other people will click or open your video. 

The YouTube viewer requirement is calculated if the viewer has watched the video for the first three seconds. Therefore, other people who make sure at the opening of the video that it has interest can be exciting things in the middle of the video and others. 

Because if you only rely on the title, but in the first seconds, it’s not interesting, then other people will skip your video. So you won’t get views, and the channel’s reputation will go down. 

4. Use Interesting Thumbnails

The following way for YouTube content to get a lot of viewers is to make exciting Thumbnails. Excellent and attractive thumbnails usually contain brief information about the content of the video. But don’t show the main discussion of the video. 

You can also use stickers and text so that other people can be interested in the videos you make. That way, your videos can be watched and get organic views from YouTube. 

An example of an exciting Thumbnail is that of Deddy Corbuzier. He makes podcasts that sit and talk, but the thumbnails he creates can be exciting and unique. Thumbnails belonging to Deddy Corbuzier generally contain information from the video content. So that other people are curious about the content of the video in it. 

5. Make a clear description of the video

The following way for YouTube content to get a lot of viewers is to create a description. Descriptions are also an essential element in YouTube SEO. Whenever you make a video, be sure to include a description as well, whether it’s two or three paragraphs. The video description will also provide an overview of the information contained in the video. 

You can lure viewers with a clear description but don’t convey the primary information from the content of the video you make. You only need to provide an opening sentence and a brief overview. 

Then it can be ended with a sentence of invitation to see the complete information. Now you can also provide a link to your Instagram, Facebook, or personal website. 

6. Use Video Tags with Keywords

To get free YouTube views, never forget to use tags. You can take this tag from derived keywords that you have previously researched. 

These derived keywords are keywords that are still related to the main keyword. So that when other people search for your video with other keywords (derived keywords), then your video can appear. 

Tags containing keywords also help your video enter the main search more quickly. Because YouTube will crawl the video information, including the tags you provide. 

7. Share to Social Media

The following way is to share it on social media. One of the most influential social media is Tiktok. The way to increase YouTube views with the Tiktok application is to make a short video and direct the complete information to your YouTube channel. 

Many have played this way. You can imitate and apply it to your Tiktok account. So that later video views can increase and be crowded. 

8. Use Additional Apps

There are many applications to increase YouTube viewers available on the Play Store. There are so many you will be confused about which application to choose. You can try them one by one or see user reviews. 

9. Use a VPN (not recommended)

The method of birth is also not recommended. However, if you want to try it, you can use a free VPN on the Play Store. How to add YouTube views with a VPN is also relatively easy.

You need to activate the VPN then open the browser on your cellphone (not chrome). After that, open YouTube in the browser and search for your channel. Well, you just need to watch your video.

Again, this method is not recommended because it is dangerous. Your YouTube channel may be deleted or will be de-monetized.


That’s how YouTube content has a lot of views that you can try for yourself. You can apply the SEO method above so that your video gets more viewers. Hopefully, this information can be useful and add insight.