8 reasons why you should use Wireless Intruder Alarm

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When these intruder alarms were introduced, the most significant issue was their wires. It was challenging to adjust those wires in the electric system of houses.

Not just that, wires fixings are apparent and affect your house look. It was challenging to install and more difficult to maintain as misfit wires cause electrical shortcuts.

Wireless Intruder Alarms in the UK and other countries are installed to increase the security system of the houses. They keep a check on the entrance and exit from the house. It assists in preventing your property from burglars. They can be connected with cameras also.

Advantages of installing Wireless Intruder Alarms

Burglar alarm systems have proven to be a great product to keep oneself updated about any suspicious activity in their vicinity. But it has been seen that wired security systems often get tackled by thieves as they quickly cut the wire.

So these wireless intruders are way more helpful as their camera or sensors are fixed far away from their control panel, which helps maintain high-security standards.

1.        Highly scalable

These security alarms work on a larger scale as they are not limited to the wires transmitting their signals to the control panel. Unlike wired burglar systems, which use low voltage wires, these wireless burglar operating systems use radio frequencies. With the help of these frequencies, the signals are transmitted from the sensor to the control panel.

Consequently, its functional area is way more significant than the wired security alarm systems, and their higher scalability made them more helpful security devices.

2.        Improved security system

It has been witnessed that thieves know how to tackle and cut the wires of the wired security system. They cut the connection from the audio panel or the camera.

While on the other hand, the wireless intruder security system is not that easy to destroy. As the sensor and control panels are fixed apart, in other words, these security alarms provide you with improved security systems.

3.        Wire-free house

Having wires in your vicinity will always create a mess as they are not fixed. Even when set, they will be apparent to everyone. Applying a wireless security system will save you from the wires buzzing. And you won’t be handling it with care once you place it correctly.


4.        24/7 monitoring system

Wired security systems need low voltage electrical connections. It means that they will be operating only when given a power supply. But it is not possible to maintain a continuous power supply.

Consequently, they failed to provide you with all-time security. On the other hand, when you install Wireless intruder alarm systems in the UKthey will be operating as they use radio frequencies to transmit signals.

5.        Cost-effective services

When you check the price difference between the wired and wireless security systems, wireless systems are a little more expensive. But, they support you through reliable security from burglars. So, it makes them more cost-effective than wired security systems.

6.        Lowers homeowner’s insurance

Some companies offer special discounts to the payable amount of Homeowners when they have installed such security and safety devices in their houses. Like, fire or smoke, Alarm or burglars security.

7.        Easy to install

When we look at the installation process, the Wireless intruder Alarm systems are easy to install and monitor. There is a sensor and panel. The sensor detects the signals and transmits them to the control panel through radio frequencies. There is no need to call an electrician to install them as there is no wire-related fuss. You can read instructions and check them by yourself.

8.        Flexible functionality

They can be customized and connected with other security measuring devices like smoke or heat detectors.

In case of emergency, when the owners are far away from their place, these alarms share notifications, and they can be made to protect your property.

Significant differences between Wireless and Wired Intruder Alarm System

While we compare the functionality and other qualities of Wired and Wireless Intruder Alarm system, we get to know the following points;

l Compared to Wireless intruder alarm systems, wired alarms use low voltages to transmit all the signals from sensors to the monitoring and control panel.

l On the other hand, Wireless Intruder Alarm systems utilize radio frequencies to transmit sensor devices to control panels.

l A wireless Intruder alarm system contains batteries that help operate its components.

l While seeing the wired intruder alarm system, it uses direct power from the control panel that helps in operating its sensors.

Final Words

Installing reliable wireless intruder systems from the UK can be very useful in increasing your house security. They are easy to install and cost-effective, and the control panel has customizable options. So these wireless intruder systems can be life and property-saving.