Negative effects of excessive screen use

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Screens are a part of everyone’s life now a days. It is effecting life of both adults and kids. But mainly it is effecting kids mental and physical health.

Children are constantly exposed to screens now a days, whether they are texting with friends ,Watching YouTube videos or Playing online games. They always look busy with devices.

Twenty years ago, mostly people used to have only one Television for whole family members with limited programmes. Children used to play different outdoor and indoor games and liked to do creative activities too. Children and teens were interested in kids magazines and waited anxiously to read monthly series.

But now unfortunately children and adults both are stuck to devices. These devices have turned children and teens into lazy and dumb people. Even they don’t want to explore outside world. They avoid to do such physical activities which take them far from their devices.

Screen time could be the reason why your child feels irritable, depressed and unmotivated.
According to recent study performed by (ICMPA) most of the children and teens spend 75 percent of their time using devices.

Too much screen time can lead to restlessness, sleep problems, severe neck and back problems and definitely lower test scores.

Many children are having listening problem too and they are unable to focus on things around them.

Sleep walking is also observed in some kids due to this excessive use of screens. They have become indifferent and sometimes even don’t acknowledge what’s happening around them. They seem disconnected to other family members.

Some kids specially little one’s have developed strange habit of eating their meals with their eyes fixed on screens. Parents may think that in this way, their kids finish their meals quickly. But these kind of strategies don’t work in long run. Because it is not possible to provide them this facility all the time.
It is observed in kindergartens, some kids refused to eat their lunch just because they had this habit of eating with devices in their hands. So parents should use some other tricks and techniques.

Lack of communication is there between parents and children .And this lack of communication leads to low morale.

Some people specially teens are always found busy in chatting with friends all day long. They have so many social media accounts and they want to be connected all the time.

Unfortunately excessive use of screens also leads to unhealthy relationships. Couples seems indifferent to each other. They seem to share same roof but don’t get time to share their feelings and thoughts to each other.
Here i want to share an interesting joke with all of you related to this situation.

“If you ever see somebody sitting quietly, with empty hands, believe me his/her phone must be on charging.”

Although it is not easy now to have much control over these things but some strategies can be planned to avoid disasters.
Set time limits for your kids to use devices.

Try to take kids out daily for walk or to parks for physical activities.

So it is much important to acknowledge these negative impacts of excessive screen use and need to improve by adopting healthy lifestyle.