Delayed Ejaculation Treatment by the Best Sexologist In Delhi

delayed ejaculation
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Delayed ejaculation is a disease in men; in which they take a very long time to ejaculate and are unable to do it; of their own will. Also, it takes extensive time for a male to reach the climax of stimulation; which delays their orgasm to the core. A few men who suffer from the problem of delayed ejaculation also are unable to ejaculate at all. And according to a few myths; orgasm and ejaculation are the same. But a man can orgasm and still not ejaculate at all. Although going through the problem of late ejaculation is fine sometimes, if you feel the problem prevails persistently; then you should see a sexologist in Delhi.

Also, if you need full information; about the problem of delayed ejaculation, its causes and its treatment. Then, read down the article to the end.

Causes and Symptoms of Delayed Ejaculation-

Symptoms of Delayed Ejaculation-

Well, some men take around 30 minutes to stimulate and ejaculate; some take a bit longer. Also, some men do not ejaculate at all. So, there is no specified timeline in what a man should ejaculate in. Your ejaculation can also be delayed because of your stress, loss of erection, fatigue, physical irritation and maybe on request of your partner.

While other few men, have problems in ejaculating during intercourse; and can only ejaculate when they are masturbating by their selves.

Also, the problem of delayed Ejaculation is categorized in two; based on their symptoms.

  1. Lifelong vs acquired– In life long delayed ejaculation; the person has never attained ejaculation on time. While in acquired ejaculation; the delayed ejaculation can be due to some situations or circumstances.
  2. Generalized and situational– The generalized ejaculation is due to certain partners; and certain simulations. While, the situational delayed ejaculation is a outcome of certain situations.

Thus, these categories are very important for the doctor; to diagnose the exact causes of the problem.

Causes of Delayed Ejaculation-

You can get the problem of delayed ejaculation; due to several reasons like certain medications, chronic health problems and surgeries. Also, many of the times it is a combination of mental and physical issues. Problems like anxiety, depression and stress can also lead to the problem of Delayed Ejaculation.

Psychological causes-

  1. If you have poor self image and are not having a self satisfying body structure.
  2. There a lot of relationship problems; because of poor communication, stress etc.
  3. Feeling of anxiousness about sexual performance.
  4. Having different opinions about sex; but the reality is entirely different.

Delayed Ejaculation because of certain medications-

  1. Having some anti depressants.
  2. Medications for blood pressure.
  3. Some anti psychotic medications or anti seizure medications.
  4. Drinking too much of alcohol.

Physical causes of delayed Ejaculation-

  1. If you have certain defects in your reproductive system; since birth.
  2. There is an injury to the pelvic floor muscles which controls orgasm.
  3. You suffer from certain urinary tract infections.
  4. Neurological diseases like diabetes or nerve damage of spinal chord.
  5. You suffer from the problem of Retrograde ejaculation; in which semen goes back to the bladder.

In some cases, when a man suffers from physical causes of delayed ejaculation; causes stress and anxiety about it; which worsens the situation.

When should you see a doctor; for Delayed Ejaculation-

Although, sometimes one can go through the problem of Delayed Ejaculation in life. But you should not be concerned about it a lot. However, you should see a doctor immediately if-

  1. If impaired ejaculation is creating a problem for your partner and you.
  2. You know that certain medications you take or other health problems you are dealing with may lead to; the problem of delayed Ejaculation in you.
  3. If you go through some other symptoms. Which you are not sure of; if are related to delayed ejaculation or not.

How is it done by a sexologist in Delhi?

The highly qualified and experienced team of doctors; take you through a lot of physical examination to know the exact causes of Delayed Ejaculation. You may also be questioned about your own and your family’s medical history to get a clear picture. Also, if they feel that the cause of your problem is psychological then you can talk to the highly qualified doctor of IASH India; ” Dr Chirag Bhandari”. Also, the doctors may recommend certain medications and exercises to control your problem of late Ejaculation successfully. But one must follow them for the specified period; to see the effective changes in them.

Dr. Chirag Bhandari; The famous Sexologist of the country-

Dr Chirag is the founder of the Institute of ANDROLOGY AND SEXUAL HEALTH of India. First, he completed his maters in surgery; from the Institute of Pune; and then he started working at the renowned Bhandari hospital in Jaipur. After a while, he realized the miserable state of men; who were going through intimate problems such as premature ejaculation, impotency and male infertility issues. He was touched by their states; where they were under pressure; stress and had a lot of personal and societal stress.

Thus, he decided to train himself well in the area of Male sexuality and reproductive health. To help other people with sexual and reproductive problems. Therefore, he went to the college of London ” University of London Hospitals”; to serve mankind better and effectively.

Take Away-

With the highly competitive and stressful lifestyles these days; a lot of men and women have been seen getting affected by it. This leads to some sexual and intimate problems in men like Late ejaculation, Premature ejaculation, Erectile dysfunction etc. Also, due to these problems; a lot of men go through the problem of feeling ashamed and not self-sufficient.

So, to get a cure to these problems and give you effective and permanent results. IASH Delhi has got you all covered; with a highly experienced team of doctors and modern equipment to look through your problems. Also, you can book an online consultation with the doctors. For any other information about the institute and doctors. Check it out on “IASH India“.