5 Basic but Effective Ways to Use Herbs

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Every summer comes with an abundance of herbs at the local market. Herbs have numerous health benefits, which makes them so popular. But using herbs is not easy unless you understand their benefits and use them. 

Many people are increasingly using herbs for health and wellness reasons. This means herbal supplements are also becoming common in health and wellness stores.  

You can use herbs for different reasons. Some herbs add a little bit of fragrance to spice up your life, while others are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. 

5 Ways You Can Use Herbs 

Boost Food Flavor 

Herbs have long been used to add flavor to different types of foods. Most people use herbs today without even realizing that they do. Herbs comprise the majority of food flavors and spices in most kitchens. 

Image source: Unsplash.com 

Because of their spicy aromas, herbs make healthy natural spices almost all over. From the cuisines of India to Mexico, you will find an array of herbs used to spice up food. But you have to understand how to use the different herbs to tap their flavor. 

You can stir most soft herbs into cooked food or eat them raw, making them ideal for salads. These include coriander leaf, parsley, mint, dill, basil, oregano, and rosemary. You have to cook them alongside the food but remove them before serving with woody herbs. 

Herbs don’t just add flavor to your food; they also have numerous health benefits. Some spices like basil, thyme, and rosemary are rich in vitamins and antioxidants. So, when you use herbs in your food, you don’t just get a spicy meal, but your health may also improve. You can use read more about whole herbs kratom  have additional health benefits. 

Make a Homemade Infused Oil 

You can use herbs to prepare your homemade infused olive oil. From rosemary to lemon, garlic to cinnamon, tarragon to chili, making infused oils are a great way to spice your cooking. You should try a kick of chili oil on stir-fry dinner or even rosemary oil with roast potatoes.  

Image source: Unsplash.com 

Another way to use herbs is with compound natural oils like butter? You can make your cilantro butter which you can use on hot biscuits, seared vegetables, or even blanched season vegetables. If you are grilling corn or salmon, you can spice up the taste using dill butter. 

Infused oils give you a great way to use herbs, especially leftovers. You can cut food waste and spice up your food instead of in the process. Whether it is that squeezed lemon or a wilting bunch of leftover green herbs, you can use them to transform your cooking. 

Freshen Your Home 

Have you ever entered a place and it all smells of fresh lemon? You can get the same scent in your house without buying that can of air freshener. All you need is to put some peels of lemon in bowls and place them in different sections of the house. 

You can also go the extra mile and create your potpourri. For this, prepare a mixture of your choice of pleasant-smelling herbs. You can start with a simple recipe of dried-out leaves and buds mixed with essential oils. Once the mixture is ready, please place it in a jar and rest for one week. When ready, add a few drops of your potpourri into bowls and place them around the house to freshen the air. 

Freshen Your Breath 

Herbs are also an excellent remedy for bad breath. Accumulation of bacteria in the mouth is often the main cause of bad breath or halitosis. The odor results from the gases the bacteria produce as it breaks down sugars and starch in the food particles left in the mouth. You can visit this website for more teeth odor issues. 

A herbal rinse is a great way to fight bacteria that cause bad breath. Herbs contain medicinal properties that can fight gum inflammation, a common cause of halitosis. At the same time, they also have a burst of fresh flavors to freshen your breath. 

If you have a smelly mouth, herbs like fresh rosemary, tarragon, spearmint, or parsley can make the smell disappear in just a minute. Just chew these fresh herbs when you need a fresh breath and you are good to go! 

Favor Drinking Water 

Health experts recommend drinking water frequently to stay hydrated, but some people find drinking plain water quite difficult. If you are such a person, you can add some flavor to your drinking water and make it more enjoyable. 

Image source: Unsplash.com 

Adding herbs to your drinking water can make it taste better and help you drink more water.  Herb-infused drinking water boosts the flavor without adding any artificial flavors or sweeteners that may harm your health. 


If you have any herb leftovers in the house and wonder what to do with them, the last place they should see is the garbage bin. Use the above tips to use those herbs and enjoy their health benefits to the last bit. 

